O que está a apoiar / what you are supporting
- Com o seu apoio cria-se o potencial de podermos adquirir melhores instrumentos musicais e acessórios para a escola, instrumentos estes que serão fundamentais para que os alunos tenham a possibilidade de explorar outras possibilidades sonoras e técnicas, contribuindo-se assim para um superior desenvolvimento musical dos mesmos e, de igual modo, para o seu grau artístico. Não menos importante, os projetos das classes de conjunto, como por exemplo as orquestras, passam a ter a possibilidade de conseguir melhores sonoridades graças à existência de instrumentos melhores. Com melhores instrumentos, potencia-se a criação de melhores alunos/artistas e assim de apresentações públicas de nível artístico superior;
- Seria muito benéfico que a escola pudesse dispor de um acervo de instrumentos musicais para que, por um lado, o Conservatório pudesse emprestá-los a alunos com carências financeiras, por outro lado, para garantir de alguma forma, numa primeira fase, o apoio/suporte para a aprendizagem de instrumentos menos conhecidos e consideravelmente mais caros do que a média (oboé, fagote, viola da gamba, entre outros);
- Com o seu apoio poderíamos contratar os serviços ocasionais de músicos e de professores de outras instituições nacionais e internacionais para a realização de workshops e masterclasses, ações tão importantes para o desenvolvimento das competências dos alunos que frequentam as escolas artísticas. Desta forma conseguiríamos diluir ou até eliminar os custos para os alunos, tornando esta escola numa instituição mais equitativa pois, uma vez mais, os alunos carenciados não seriam inibidos pelas dificuldades financeiras;
- Com o seu apoio podemos realizar projetos de cariz regional ou nacional, com custos reduzidos ou inexistentes para os alunos, tais como concursos de instrumento, projetos orquestrais, visitas de estudos a importantes equipamentos culturais, etc.
Outras possibilidades…
O seu contributo pode ajudar!
=== ENGLISH ===
The Conservatório de Música de Loulé – Francisco Rosado, although with a short existence (since the 2018/2019 school year) and with two pandemic years in between, has asserted itself as a reference school of Specialized Artistic Teaching of Music, not only in the Algarve region, but also nationwide. Proof of this are the results obtained by the students who attend this Conservatory in national projects (such as the Youth Orchestra of the Official Conservatories of Public Music – OJ.COM), in competitions, in higher education admission tests, among others, or even the wide availability of its offer which already has 23 different options! At the same time, the Conservatório de Música de Loulé – Francisco Rosado has been developing a training and artistic activity with a high impact, with very positive consequences for all those who seek us out – a growing demand – and also for those around us, actions carried out individually or through the creation of partnerships with the most diversified local and national institutions/bodies.
The opening of this Conservatory – the first public school, with 100% free education, exclusively dedicated to teaching music below the river Tejo (Lisbon) – comes with a delay of a century when compared to other public music schools. By supporting the Conservatório de Música de Loulé – Francisco Rosado, you are enabling the school to further improve the training opportunities of our students, our future students, the surrounding community, in addition to helping to minimize the inequality that arises from this same delay and its geographical location, because:
- With your support, we create the potential for us to acquire better musical instruments and accessories for the school, instruments that will be fundamental for students to have the possibility of exploring other sound and technical possibilities, thus contributing to a superior development music of the same and, likewise, for their artistic degree. Not least important, the projects of ensemble classes, such as orchestras, now have the possibility of achieving better sounds thanks to the existence of better instruments. With better instruments, the creation of better students/artists is boosted and thus public presentations of a superior artistic level also;
- It would be very beneficial if the school could have a collection of musical instruments so that, on the one hand, the Conservatory could lend them to students with financial needs, on the other hand, to somehow guarantee, in a first phase, the support for learning instruments that are less known and considerably more expensive than the average (oboe, bassoon, viola da gamba, among others);
- With your support we could contract the occasional services of musicians and teachers from other national and international institutions to carry out workshops and masterclasses, actions that are so important for the development of the skills of students who attend music schools. In this way we would manage to dilute or even eliminate the costs for the students, making this school a more equitable institution, once again, with this, needy students would not be inhibited by financial difficulties;
- With your support we can carry out projects of a regional or national nature, with reduced or non-existent costs for students, such as instrument competitions, orchestral projects, study visits to important cultural facilities, etc.
- Other possibilities…
Your contribution can help!